Term 4 Writing

WALT: I am learning to write a recount about the Jubilee.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: Write about the jubilee and how you were part of it.

TEACHER: I really enjoyed reading your story Rose. You made me laugh! Hope you enjoy watching Home and Away.

Performing a play!

On Friday we got a treat!! The Sharks reading group performed this play to us. Thanks Keisha, Rose, Liam, Bea and Luke from Room 20. You were awesome!!


I am learning to order numbers up to 100.

I know they are in right order because 19 is in the tens and 2 is a twenty number and it has a 2 at the start. 3 is the number after 2 and because 5 is the biggest number.

Term 3 Writing

Term 3 Topic - Art and Dance

Skill Focus
The children will be able to:
  • participate and contribute demonstrating creativity.

Deep understandings
The children will understand that:

  • there are different ways to be creative
  • we all have ideas to contribute through our participation


I show my CARE values by sitting up nicely.

 We are learning to:
Community - Be a positive member of Oaklands School and Room 21.
Active Thinking - Use our initiative when making choices.
Respect - Be kind and respectful towards others.
Excellence - Try our best in our learning.

We prove we can consistently show Community, Active Thinking, Respect and Excellence when we get our Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates. 


WALT Sing our songs for production.
We have learned about how to sit up straight and how to use our mouths to make our singing nice and loud.

We will know we have succeded when we can sing our songs with energy and enthusiasm.

We are sounding better every time we come to singing and we know most of the words of the songs for production. Great singing Room 21 – can’t wait to see you all at production!


I am making a show about a little girl called Sophie that sings Let It Go. I am sharing the pieces with other people.

We are learning to develop the 5 key competencies through activity based learning. We are learning to be Self Managed, use our Thinking, Use language, symbols and text, Participate and Contribute and Relate to Others.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: We will show the key competencies throughout discovery time.